Financial wellness means living within your means and not spending more than you make. It also means managing debt and not getting in way over your head. Anybody can achieve financial wellness, regardless of their current financial situation. It may take some time, effort, and self-control, but it can be done with proper motivation and by taking the right actions
The purpose of the training resource is to provide adequate information on how to achieve Financial Wellness.
When training is complete, trainees should be able to:
- Understand the importance of financial wellness
- Develop an effective financial plan
- Budget successfully
- Save and invest wisely
- Manage credit and debt well
- Handle events and problems that impact financial wellness
Content of training resource:
- PowerPoint Slide
- Speaker’s Note
- Quiz
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Handout
- Attendance Sheet
- Training Evaluation Form
- A Sample Training Plan
Intended For:
Health and safety managers, officers, leaders, trainers, and anyone involved in health and safety training.
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