According to the National Safety Council, more than 180,000 foot-related injuries occurred in a recent year. That equates to roughly 400 foot-related injury claims per day. The estimated average cost of these injuries was $6,000 each. In a recent year, there were 1,509 foot and toe injuries that were serious enough to require the workers to take time off from work.
This training program provides information on Foot Protection
When the training is completed, participants who are exposed to foot hazards will be able to:
- Identify foot hazards.
- Choose appropriate footwear for work tasks.
- Know the limitations of foot protection.
- Know how to use and take care of foot protection.
Content of Training Resource:
- PowerPoint Slide
- Trainer’s Guide
- Speaker’s Note
- Quiz
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Handout
- Attendance Sheet
- Training Evaluation Form
- A Sample Training Plan
Intended For:
Health and safety managers, officers, leaders, trainers, and anyone involved in health and safety training.
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