Workers’ compensation is insurance provided by all employers to pay for the care of employees who are injured or become disabled in the course of executing their duties. Employers across the U.S. currently pay billions of dollars in workers’ compensation premiums—that amount varies depending on the risks associated with the particular industry and the particular job, and also depending on the number and size of workers’ compensation claims a company has filed.
It is in the best interest of every company to know how to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. Supervisors and managers must understand what they can do not only to help employees who need to file claims, but also how to prevent injuries and illnesses in the first place to manage rising insurance premiums and lost work time.
This training resource is to train employees who file workers’ compensation claims to be able to:
- Recognize the purpose and benefits of workers’ compensation
- Complete reports and help workers file claims
- Maintain contact with employees on leave and ease their return to work
- Help prevent workplace accidents and keep workers’ compensation costs down
Content of training resource:
- PowerPoint Slide
- Trainer’s Guide
- Speaker’s Note
- Quiz
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Handout
- Attendance Sheet
- Training Evaluation Form
- A Sample Training Plan
Intended For:
Health and safety managers, officers, leaders, trainers, and anyone involved in health and safety training.
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