This training session on defensive driving has been designed for drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles, or CMVs.
Table of Contents
Session Objectives
By the end of this training session, you will be able to:
- Recognize driving hazards and dangerous conditions;
- Respond to a specific hazard or dangerous condition and react in time to avoid an accident;
- Inspect and maintain your vehicle;
- Operate your vehicle safely; and
- Respond to emergencies and accidents.
Motor Vehicle Injury and Death Are Preventable
Here are a few national yearly accident statistics related to CMVs, which are defined as over 10,000 pounds combined cargo and vehicle:
- There are around 5,000 CMV-related fatalities, and less than 1/5 of these fatalities occurred to the truck occupants.
- There are more than 120,000 CMV-related injuries, and only 20% of injuries occurred to the truck occupants.
- More than 700 truck drivers die on the job, representing over 15% of all types of workplace deaths, the most fatalities of any single job title or occupation.
- Truck drivers have more nonfatal injuries than workers in any other occupation. Half of the nonfatal CMV driver injuries are serious sprains and strains, and the other injuries are bruises, fractures, cuts and lacerations, soreness, and trauma.
Driving Hazards
A good driver is someone who recognizes real and potential hazards, including:
- Reckless driving, such as speeding, weaving through traffic, ignoring signs and signals, tailgating, and dangerous passing;
- Distracted drivers, including drivers using cell phones—and especially texting, putting on make-up, eating or drinking, writing or reading, and having conversations with passengers. These drivers aren’t aware of their surroundings;
- Aggressive drivers, who can easily create a “road rage” situation that is dangerous for all drivers—remember to keep your cool, even in stressful situations;
- Driver fatigue that results in poor judgment and slow reaction times;
- Vehicles in poor operating condition, such as brakes that are not working effectively, lights that are out, and tires that are bald; and
- Finally, other drivers that are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol cause about one-third of all traffic accidents.
Dangerous Conditions
Defensive drivers are also aware of the following situations:
- Bad weather conditions, including rain, snow, ice, fog, and severe winds;
- Challenges in the road itself, such as sharp curves, uneven surfaces, and obstacles in the road; and
- Finally, roads that are not well lit at night. Also, glaring sunlight, especially at sunrise or sunset, can make it difficult to see.
Dangerous Conditions (cont.)
Other dangerous conditions include:
- Heavy traffic, because of the close location of the other cars and cars that are switching lanes and trying to pass each other;
- Many busy intersections, including railroad crossings, pose dangers from oncoming traffic;
- Accidents caused by other vehicles. This can create extremely dangerous conditions for drivers approaching or involved in the accident; and
- Finally, cargo that shifts or moves during transport. This can cause loads to unbalance the vehicle. Loads can also fall on the road.
Be a Defensive Driver
Here’s how to be a defensive driver:
- Recognize potentially hazardous situations sufficiently in advance to allow time to safely maneuver past them.
- Assume that other drivers may make mistakes, and be on guard in the event an error is made.
- Adjust speed, position, direction, and your level of attention to be able to maneuver safely if a hazard develops.
- Search ahead of what is immediately in front to have advance warning of approaching hazards. Scan far enough ahead to be able to react safely to approaching situations. Watch for cars passing, merging, changing lanes, putting on their brakes, and signaling to turn.
- Frequently scan to the side and rear for passing or approaching vehicles. Avoid sudden stops. Give the vehicles behind you a warning by tapping quickly on your brakes once or twice. Use turn signals and brakes well in advance. Give drivers behind you plenty of opportunity to see your warning lights so they can begin to slow down. Give them the opportunity to avoid stopping suddenly.
- Scan the road and the vehicles around you thoroughly before changing speed or direction.
- Always remember to use your turn signal before you make a turn so other drivers know where you are going.
- And finally, always drive with your lights on to ensure you can see—and other drivers can see you.
Get Rest and Avoid Fatigue
Defensive drivers also get rest and avoid fatigue.
- Avoid fatigue, which results in a trance-like state known as “highway hypnosis.” Fatigue deadens a driver’s senses and slows reactions.
- Take plenty of breaks. Every 2 hours, stop at a rest stop, gas station, restaurant, etc. Walk around, stretch, go for a jog, or get something to eat or drink.
- Always keep your cab well ventilated. Stale air can cause you to become drowsy.
- Finally, adjust your vehicle’s environment. Open a window, change the radio station, and don’t use cruise control.
Seat Belt Saves Lives
Defensive drivers know that seat belts save lives, so they always wear theirs. Here’s what you need to know:
- According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by seat belts in the past 25 years.
- A properly worn seat belt will prevent you from hitting the dashboard, steering wheel, or windshield if you are involved in an accident.
- A seat belt will keep you inside the vehicle, which increases your chances of survival. You are more likely to be killed when thrown from the vehicle during an accident.
- The seat belt is designed to use your body’s strong bones to absorb the shock, rather than damaging delicate internal organs.
- Wearing a seat belt increases your chance of remaining conscious after a crash. When conscious, you will be able to get out of the vehicle and help others get out, if necessary.
- Finally, a seat belt keeps you in control of the vehicle if you are forced to swerve or brake suddenly. Instead of being tossed out of the seat and no longer in control of the vehicle, you are in place and in control in case more action is necessary.
Drug Use
Drivers must never be on duty and personally possess, be under the influence of, or use the following:
- Opiates;
- Amphetamines;
- Narcotic drugs or derivatives;
- Alcohol—this means you cannot be under the influence of alcohol or have a measured alcohol concentration or detected presence of alcohol while on duty or operating a CMV within 4 hours of going on duty; or
- Any other substance that may render you incapable of safely operating a CMV.
Driving Hazard Exercise
In this exercise, try to match the hazardous types of drivers on the left with the potential hazards they cause on the right.
Driving Hazards – Any Questions?
Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far.
- Do you understand driving hazards and dangerous conditions?
- Do you understand how to avoid potential accidents? It is important for your safety on the road that you understand the dangers you face when you get behind the wheel as well as how to avoid them.
Predrive Inspection
Once you are ready to get on the road, perform a predrive inspection of your vehicle’s operating condition:
- Test your horn to make sure it works correctly. Check front and rear lights, brake lights, and turn signals to make sure they are all operating correctly.
- Make sure your vehicle’s windows, mirrors, and lights are clean. Vision is a vital part of safe driving.
- Inspect your tire tread, look for any signs of damage, and make sure tires have adequate pressure. Keep a tire gauge in the vehicle to check the tire pressure on a regular basis.
- Look for any fluid leaks under the vehicle, such as oil or antifreeze.
- Finally, check your brakes by stopping quickly while going only a few miles an hour. The vehicle should respond by stopping right away. Also check for excessive steering wheel play.
Follow your organization’s procedures and use your organization’s predrive inspection checklist.
Maintain Your Vehicle
Maintain your vehicle by following the maintenance procedures on the time lines described in the vehicle’s owner’s manual.
- Perform regular tune-ups that include changing spark plugs and wires as well as inspecting and changing belts and hoses.
- Change the oil on a regular basis. Check the owner’s manual for the type of vehicle you drive.
- Maintain antifreeze or coolant levels and check them for both winter and summer driving conditions.
- Have brakes inspected and replaced per the requirements of the owner’s manual.
- Make sure the battery is in good condition and maintains a good charge.
- Be sure to check that your compressed air system is in good working condition.
- Finally, change the tires per the tire manufacturer’s recommendations. If your climate has weather conditions such as snow or lots of rain, change the tires more often to maintain good tread during adverse weather.
Cargo Securement
- Your vehicle’s cargo must be properly distributed and adequately secured before you will be allowed to operate the vehicle.
- You must check your cargo and the devices used to secure the cargo within the first 50 miles after beginning the trip and make adjustments to the cargo or load securement devices if necessary to ensure the cargo cannot shift or fall.
- You must recheck the cargo and load securement devices if:
–You make a change to your duty status; or
–The vehicle has been driven for 3 hours or 150 miles.
Conduct Start-Up/Back-Up Check
Starting up forward or backward, or steering left or right from a stopped position can create an unexpected hazard for both the driver and bystanders.
Before start-up or back-up, therefore, perform the following inspection:
- Walk around the vehicle and look underneath to ensure you have safe clearance for start-up;
- Check blind areas on right and in front as well;
- Check mirrors for proper adjustment;
- After your walk-around check, don’t delay moving vehicle—do not allow time for another hazard to approach;
- Start up slowly at first to allow other vehicles and pedestrians, who may have unexpectedly approached, to move away safely; and
- Tap horn in congested areas or recruit a signal person.
There are several rules you must follow in order to safely fuel your CMV. When fueling, always remember:
- Never fuel a CMV with the engine running, except when it is necessary to run the engine when fueling;
- Never smoke or expose any open flame in the vicinity of a CMV being fueled; and
- Never fuel the vehicle unless the nozzle of the fuel hose is in constant contact with the intake pipe of the fuel tank.
Prevent accidents by giving the “right-of-way” until it is apparent that right-of-way is being given by the other driver. Here’s how it works:
- Generally, the driver who arrives last gives right-of-way to those who were already there. Give right-of-way when entering traffic, when turning left in front of approaching traffic, and when changing lanes.
- Do not force other drivers to brake or steer because of your obstructive maneuver into their path.
- Assume other drivers will not see you and avoid you when you maneuver into their path.
- Finally, move into your intended path or direction only after you are assured that you have been given the right-of-way and you will not conflict with other traffic—and remember to use your turn signal before turning.
Using and Changing Lanes
Lane use and lane changing accidents primarily result from following too closely or being inattentive to traffic conditions ahead. Here’s how to avoid accidents:
- The most important rule in lane usage is to maintain a safe following distance. Use any method you feel comfortable with. Just try to ensure that if the driver in front of you slams on his or her brakes, you can avoid a collision, stay in your lane, and not be hit by the vehicle following you all at the same time.
- Scan ahead of what is immediately in front of you. If you cannot see ahead of the vehicle you are following, increase your following distance.
- If you see trouble ahead, flash your brake lights to alert drivers following you.
- Blind spots to the right of large vehicles are well known. However, automobile drivers may not know you cannot see them as they pass you on the right. Scan to the right thoroughly before steering into the next lane. Give right-of-way, don’t take it.
- Finally, clean mirrors and check adjustment frequently.
Negotiating Curves
Defensive drivers know how to negotiate curves safely. Here’s how:
- Prevent rollover accidents by understanding how and why rollovers occur and how to judge safe speed when approaching and negotiating curves.
- Reduce speed before entering curve. If you enter curves too fast, you may not have enough time to slow down before rolling over. Note that maintaining speeds at curve advisory may not be slow enough to prevent rollover of commercial vehicles.
- Stay off the shoulder in curves. Your right or left side wheels may drop or sink down into a shoulder and increase your chance of rollover.
- Ensure that cargo loads are secured to prevent moving from side to side.
- Remember that top-heavy cargo will cause commercial vehicles to roll over in curves at speeds lower than those loaded with flat compact cargo.
- Finally, remember that since trailers usually begin to roll first, you may not know you are rolling over until it is too late.
Negotiating Downgrades
Here’s what you need to know to prevent accidents on downgrades:
- The main reason for loss of control on downgrades is brake failure due to improper control techniques by the driver. The brake system may also be damaged or maladjusted and may not have sufficient capacity for downgrade control.
- The gear to select for descending a grade should be no higher than that required for ascending the same grade. Some vehicles may require lower gears going down than going up. Know your vehicle.
- Don’t use more than light brake pressure, such as 10 psi, to slow your speed. If speed cannot be controlled with light pressure, use a lower gear ratio. Do not coast.
- Don’t use the hand lever to apply trailer brakes only. You could overheat trailer brakes and not have enough capacity in the tractor to control speed adequately.
- Instead, stop, put truck in proper gear, and check brake function before descending long, steep grades.
Crossing Intersections
Trucks and buses take much more time to cross and clear intersecting roads than automobiles. Drivers of large vehicles must recognize these problems and take special care when crossing intersections, particularly uncontrolled intersections. Here’s what to do:
- Approach intersections with the assumption that cross traffic may not obey traffic control, and anticipate the need for avoidance.
- When crossing an uncontrolled intersection, allow enough time to clear entire road with rear of vehicle without interfering with cross traffic. Don’t count on cross traffic slowing down to let you pass. They may not see you.
- Crossing uncontrolled intersections at night with large vehicles is especially hazardous, because although approaching drivers may see your headlights from the side, they may not realize you have a long trailer following.
- Finally, keep the sides of your vehicle clean and keep side marker lights operational. Be extra cautious with dark-colored unloaded flatbed trailers.
Making Turns
- Making left or right turns with long vehicles also creates problems, such as blind spots, wide turns and difficulty judging position. Drivers should recognize the hazards created while turning and follow proper procedures to minimize them.
- Move to the correct lane well in advance of the intersection, and position your vehicle to make a safe turn;
- If encroaching on other lanes, wait for other vehicles to clear and then turn slowly; and
- Be careful that improper tracking does not cause the vehicle or trailer to ride up onto a curb or strike stationary objects.
Crossing Railroad Tracks
Here’s how to drive defensively at railroad tracks:
- Stop your vehicle within 50 feet of, and not closer than 15 feet to, the tracks;
- Stop and look both ways before crossing railroad tracks; and
- Do not shift gears when crossing the railroad tracks.
Safe passing maneuvers require well-developed skills and judgment. Because the driver must perform several tasks in a short time during passing, the chance of an error is high unless the maneuver is done cautiously. Here’s how to pass other vehicles safely:
- Before you pass, check to be certain no one is passing you.
- Signal your intentions to pass.
- Assume the driver in front of you doesn’t know you are passing. That driver may pull to the left to pass a vehicle in front or make a left turn.
- While you are passing, watch carefully for vehicles that may be entering the roadway from side roads or driveways.
- Assume vehicles approaching from the opposite direction will not see you or slow down for you to complete your passing maneuver. Watch for vehicles passing other vehicles from the opposite direction.
- Finally, if the vehicle you are trying to pass speeds up, let it go. Don’t get into a dangerous race. Don’t take risks. If in doubt, don’t pass.
Pedestrians often misjudge the speed and closeness of a commercial vehicle and assume you can and will slow down for them. You can avoid accidents by anticipating that pedestrians will make such errors and by being prepared to compensate. Here’s what you need to be aware of:
- When maneuvering close to pedestrians, expect the unexpected.
- It is difficult for pedestrians to correctly judge how fast you are approaching. If you are going faster than normal for the area, the pedestrian may judge there is time to cross when there really is not.
- Pedestrians will often assume that you see them and that you will slow down for them to complete their crossing. At night especially, pedestrians assume you can see them because they can see your headlights so easily.
- Don’t assume they will give you the right-of-way until it is obvious they are waiting for you to pass.
- Remember, improper trailer tracking in turns may cause your trailer to run onto the sidewalk. Turn wide enough to avoid this and go very slowly.
- Finally, pedestrians often walk or stand in the blind spots in front and to the right of your vehicle. Scan around vehicle thoroughly when pedestrians are present.
Reduced Traction
Failure to adjust to adverse conditions is a major cause of accidents. Reduced traction conditions include rain, snow, ice, slush, and gravel. Defensive drivers should learn to keep their own vehicle safely under control, and also be prepared to compensate for errors other drivers make during such poor driving conditions. Here’s what to do:
- Increase following distance enough to avoid a rear-end collision if another driver brakes hard and/or suddenly.
- Use moderation in judging safe speed. To maintain a safe stopping distance, slow down, but not so much that you become a hazard to drivers behind you.
- Apply brakes gently and steer without jerky movements. Use lower gears.
- Beware when running empty or bobtailing. Lightly loaded wheels lock up easily during braking, which can cause jackknifing.
- Finally, beware of traveling on slick, banked curves. The vehicle might slide sideways into opposing traffic or off the road.
Reduced Visibility
Reduced visibility conditions include twilight, darkness, rain, snow, and fog. Here’s how to drive defensively in these conditions:
- Use moderation in judging safe speed. To maintain a safe stopping distance during reduced visibility, slow down, but not so much that you become a hazard to drivers behind you.
- When encountering fog, even just a small foggy patch in a hollow or valley, slow down. There may be a stalled or slow vehicle hidden behind that wall of white.
- It is also smart to turn your headlamps on low beam or turn on fog lamps to increase your visibility and your chances of being seen by other motorists. Use emergency flashers in extreme conditions.
- Keep vehicle clean, especially headlights, windshield, and taillights.
- Finally, be prepared to get off the road and wait for conditions to improve, if necessary.
True or False?
Which of these statements do you think are true and which are false?
- Once cargo is properly distributed and secured, you should not check it because it may then become unsecured. –False—cargo must be checked within the first 50 miles.
- Before startup or backup, you should walk around your vehicle to check for hazards. –True.
True or False?
Take some time to discuss with your trainees the answers to these questions before showing the answers. When you are ready, click to show the correct answers.
- The most important rule in lane usage is to maintain a safe following distance. –True.
- You should stop between 5 and 15 feet of railroad tracks. –False—stop 15 to 50 feet before tracks.
- The gear you use for descending a grade should be no higher than that required for ascending the same grade. –True.
Safe Driving Habits – Any Questions?
Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far.
- Do you understand how to perform inspections and basic maintenance of your vehicle?
- Do you understand how to operate your vehicle safely through a variety of maneuvers and in a variety of conditions? It is important for your safety that you understand how to perform all these safe driving operations.
Carry Emergency Supplies
Carrying emergency supplies is an important safe driving practice. Make sure you also know how to properly use the supplies, including tire jack, flares, and jumper cables. Examples of emergency supplies to carry include:
- Tire jack and spare tire;
- Flares or other emergency signal devices;
- Flashlight;
- First-aid and tool kits;
- Jumper cables;
- Spare lightbulbs;
- Spare hoses;
- Gloves;
- Pry bar;
- Fire extinguisher; and
- Spare fuses.
Always carry the emergency supplies that your facility requires. Bring a list of emergency supplies that you expect your drivers to carry. Adjust this slide to reflect the specific emergency supplies required by your workplace.
Emergency Stopping
Emergency situations include stalling in a travel lane, stopping for an accident in your path, engine compartment fire, wheel fire, burned-out lightbulbs, or a blown fuse in a lighting circuit. Here’s what to do in specific situations:
- If you stall while driving, turn on emergency flashers immediately and try to coast to the shoulder if safe to do so.
- If you stall and stop on the roadway, turn on emergency flashers immediately. Then set up reflective triangles.
- If you have a CB radio or cell phone, call for help.
- Controlling and extinguishing fires safely requires special knowledge. If you don’t know how to handle a fire emergency, you can easily make the situation worse and injure or kill yourself. Use your vehicle’s fire extinguisher on the fire. Get away if the fire is not out after the extinguisher has been used up.
- Finally, replace the fuses or lightbulbs if you have the tools and the knowledge to safely perform this task. If not, call for help.
Emergency Signals
Here’s what you need to know about using your emergency signals:
- When you stop your vehicle on a highway or shoulder, the (*) vehicle’s flashers must be activated. Flashers must remain on until other warning devices are activated. Flashers must be activated while warning devices are being picked up.
- The first warning device must be placed on the traffic side of the vehicle, within 10 feet, in the direction of approaching traffic.
- A second warning device must be placed facing approaching traffic (behind your vehicle) about 100 feet away in the center of the lane or shoulder where the vehicle is stopped.
- The third device must be placed about 100 feet away from the stopped vehicle, away from approaching traffic, in front of your vehicle.
- Finally, never attach any flame-producing emergency signal to any part of the vehicle.
Safe Driving Conditions – Any Questions?
Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far.
- Do you understand how to respond to vehicle emergencies and accidents? It is important for your safety that you know what to do in emergency situations on the road.
Key points to Remember
Here are the main points for you to remember from this session on defensive driving:
- Both driver behavior and road conditions can create hazards behind the wheel.
- Always follow traffic rules, and practice defensive driving strategies.
- Don’t drive while distracted, fatigued, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Use extra caution in dangerous driving conditions.
- Always use your seat belt.
- Inspect and maintain your vehicle to keep it in safe working condition.
- Know how to respond to emergencies behind the wheel.
This concludes the Defensive Driving for Commercial Motor Vehicles training session.