You may not think of the warehouse as a particularly hazardous place. But the fact is that there are many ways to have an accident and get hurt if you work in the warehouse. With hazards ranging from back injuries to forklift accidents to slips and trips, it’s not hard see why that is so. What’s more, almost every activity in a warehouse is covered by at least one OSHA regulation. So it’s important for you to know and follow warehouse safety rules for regulatory compliance as well as for accident prevention.
Today, we’re going to point out all the hazards. We’re also going to explain exactly how to avoid them and keep safe and healthy on the job.
Table of Contents
Session Objectives
The main objective of this session is to help you prevent accidents and injuries while working in the warehouse and loading dock. By the time the session is over, you should be able to:
- Identify warehouse hazards;
- Prevent back injuries;
- Work safely with material-handling equipment;
- Protect against accidents on the loading dock;
- Stack materials safely; and
- Prevent slips, trips, and falls.
Are you setting goals to help yourself remember the information after you complete the course?
How Much Do You Know?
Before we begin the session, let’s take a few minutes to see how much you already know about warehouse safety. Decide which of the statements on the screen are true or false.
- To prevent back injuries when lifting, you should lift with your leg muscles, not your back muscles.
– This is true.
- The safest place for pedestrians to be in relation to a forklift is walking right alongside.
– This is false.
- It’s less stressful for your back to pull hand trucks and pallet jacks rather than push them.
– This is false.
- You should always stabilize pallet loads by interlocking, wrapping, or strapping them.
– This is true.
How did you do? Did you get all the answers right?
If not, don’t worry. You’ll learn all about these issues and a lot more during the session. Are you prepared to focus your mental effort on the training material?
Back Safety
The majority of injuries in a warehouse environment are related to back problems. Here are some simple ways you can prevent back injuries on the job.
- Ask for help when you need to lift a heavy load. Be willing to help others with heavy loads and be willing to ask others to help you.
- Reaching or overextending can also cause a back injury. This can put your back, arms, and shoulders in an unnatural posture and result in an injury. Use a step stool or stepladder to gain access to items stored above your head.
- Putting a foot on a footrest when standing in place can really improve back posture. Notice how using one brings your rear end forward and more in line with your back. This posture is more comfortable.
- Your back is stronger and in a better posture when pushing, rather than pulling, a hand truck or pallet jack.
- Bending at your knees and not at your waist will help you maintain better back posture.
- When turning while carrying or lifting—move your feet instead of twisting your back. Twisting at your waist will put strain on your back.
Remember, if you do experience back pain—see a doctor.
Safe Lifting Technique
Let’s talk now about how to prevent back injuries when you lift. The safe lifting technique is simple but effective.
- Stand close to the object, feet shoulder-width apart, and toes naturally pointed outward.
- Squat down next to the object by bending at your knees and hips. Maintain your back’s natural curves.
- Pull the load close to you and grasp it firmly.
- Tighten your stomach muscles; it will act as a back support. Raising your head will help you lift with your legs rather than your back.
- As you rise with the load, lift with your legs. Use your strong leg muscles, not your back muscles, to power the lift. While lifting, keep your back straight. Raising your chin while lifting will help your back maintain its natural curves.
Do you always use this technique when lifting? If not, you could be setting yourself up for a painful injury. And once you injure your back, you’re more likely to injure it again.
Forklift Safety: Pedestrian Traffic
Forklifts are another serious warehouse hazard—one that can maim or kill. Pedestrians must never take the hazards of a forklift lightly.
- Always be aware of forklift traffic and driving lanes in the warehouse.
- Listen for the forklift’s horn or back-up alarm, and watch for the warning lights. Pay particular attention to the sights and sounds of the forklift’s warning when going around corners, approaching blind intersections, and entering other dangerous spots.
- Make sure the forklift operator sees you before approaching. Do not assume that he or she can see you.
- The back of a forklift swings wide when making turns. Remember that forklifts steer from the rear, so don’t walk alongside a forklift because it could hit you even though it is turning away from you.
- Riding on a forklift breaks a number of safety rules, since there is no seat for the rider, the rider is not wearing a seatbelt, and the rider’s body is outside the protection of the overhead guard/cage. Do not allow yourself to be lifted by a forklift on a pallet or the forks. Workers can be lifted only in an approved platform with appropriate fall protection.
- Always wear a hard hat, safety glasses, and your seatbelt if you operate a forklift.
- And finally, remember that horseplay on or near a forklift can be fatal!
Forklift Safety: Operation
Only trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate forklifts. If you are not trained and authorized, do not touch a forklift.
- Forklift operators must always check the weight and stability of every load they pick up. If the load is beyond the rated capacity of the lift truck, the load must be broken down so that it is below the forklift’s capacity.
- Forklift operators must also inspect their lift trucks at the beginning of each shift. If not safe to operate, a forklift may not be used until it has been satisfactorily repaired.
- Forklift operators must follow a detailed list of operating and traffic rules that help keep them safe and protect workers around them.
Whether you operate a forklift or just work around them, think about all the precautions you must take to prevent accidents.
Manual Pallet Jacks
Pallet jacks seem to be simple devices and do not appear to require training. But appearances can be deceptive. Pallet jacks have hazards, too. Here are some steps you can take to prevent accidents.
- Inspect pallets to make sure they’re in good condition so that they can safely support the load.
- Stabilize the load on the pallet with interlocked stacking, plastic wrap, or straps.
- As always, maintain proper back posture when maneuvering the pallet jack. Keep your back strong and straight.
- Keep the load under control. Pallet jacks can be difficult to use on slopes, particularly when the load is heavy. Pallet jacks are also designed for smooth surfaces. They are difficult to maneuver on uneven surfaces or in areas that have debris, such as wood chips or pebbles.
- Finally, pallet jacks are not skateboards. What if you were to fall and injure yourself when using a pallet jack as a toy? How silly would you feel?
Think about the safety rules you must follow when using a manual pallet jack to prevent accidents.
Hand Trucks
Hand trucks also have their own set of safety rules.
- First of all, you need to choose the right-hand truck for the job. For most jobs, you can use a standard flat-bottomed, flat-backed hand truck. To do some jobs safely, however, you need a different type of hand truck. For example, special hand trucks are designed for handling drums, compressed gas cylinders, appliances, and so forth. Using the wrong type of hand truck could damage the object or hand truck or cause injury.
- Stack the load so that you can see over it. Place the largest, heaviest items on the bottom so that the load is stable.
- Secure the load. Strap loose boxes to the hand truck. Most hand trucks designed for drums, cylinders, or appliances have built-in securing systems, such as straps.
Think about the different types of hand trucks available and their special uses.
Safe Hand Truck Operation
Have you ever pinched a finger between a hand truck’s handle and a solid object, tweaked your back, or slipped when going down a ramp? Like any tool, you need to be aware of what could go wrong when using a hand truck so that you can take steps to prevent an accident.
- Keep a firm grip on the hand truck’s handle as you travel.
- Watch your fingers when in tight areas such as when going through a doorway, or down a hallway or other narrow location. Pinching your fingers can be very painful. When possible, position your hands so that they are inside the framework of the hand truck.
- Remember that hand trucks are designed for pushing, not pulling. Your back is stronger and in a better posture when pushing a load rather than when pulling it.
- Also protect your back when lifting materials on and off the hand truck by using proper lifting techniques.
- Keep the load in front of you and under control as you travel. Be especially careful going down ramps. Remember, a wrong move could cause you to lose control and dump the load or strain a muscle.
Think about the steps you need to take to prevent accidents and injuries when using a hand truck.
Powered Conveyors
Powered conveyors can save a lot of time and energy. With their help, you don’t have to haul materials around by hand. But as helpful as they are, they can also be extremely dangerous if misused.
- Do not operate a conveyor unless you have been trained in its use and authorized to operate it.
- The hazards of powered conveyors include powered rollers and pinch points. Hands, hair, or loose clothing can be caught between rollers or between the support members and the conveyor belt.
- Never climb over or crawl under conveyors. You could get caught in moving parts. Many workers have lost limbs and some have been killed because they failed to obey this simple rule.
- Similarly, riding on a conveyor is absolutely forbidden. You could fall and be seriously injured.
- Know where the emergency stops are located. They are usually located on both ends of the conveyor, and sometimes, they have emergency stop cables that run the length of the conveyor.
Think about the safety precautions you must take when working with and around any conveyors.
Now it’s time for an exercise. Decide which of the following statements are true and which are false.
- It’s OK to hitch a ride on a forklift
—This is not true. Never do this. You could fall off and be crushed by the forklift.
- Bend at the waist when you lift to protect your back
—This is not true. Bend at the knees, squat down, and then lift with your legs.
- Never go under or over a powered conveyor
—This is true. You could get caught in the conveyor’s moving parts and lose a limb or be killed.
- Pinch points are a common hazard when using hand trucks
—This is true. Watch out going through doorways and narrow passageways.
- Anyone with a driver’s license is permitted to operate a forklift in the warehouse
—This is not true. Only specially trained and authorized employees are permitted to operate forklifts—no one else, ever!
- You don’t have to watch out for forklifts; they have to watch out for you
—This is not true. You need to watch out for forklifts, too.
How did you do? Did you get all the answers right? Would you do better on the next quiz if you went back and reviewed?
Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far. For example, do you understand what we’ve said about:
- Preventing back injuries and safe lifting?
- Forklift safety?
- Pallet jack safety?
- Hand truck safety?
- Powered conveyor safety?
It’s important to understand all this information so that you can prevent accidents and injuries in the warehouse. Will you remember this information after the course is complete, or do you need to go back and review?
Let’s continue now to the next slide and talk about loading dock safety.
Loading Dock Safety
- Many injuries occur on loading docks because of all the lifting involved in loading and unloading.
- Also, congestion of people and forklifts and the high volume of activity present a hazard. When you’re on the loading dock always be extra careful and be aware of all the activity around you.
- Another hazard to watch out for is improperly loaded trailers where loads have shifted during transit. This exposes the person who opens the trailer door to the potential of falling boxes or product. Open the trailer doors carefully, standing to one side and stepping back.
- Open dock doors, without a trailer in the dock, present a fall hazard for workers on the dock. This could also cause a forklift to drive off the dock. Be very careful when working near open or exposed dock doors.
- Never jump from the loading docks. You are putting unnecessary strain on your knees, feet, and back. You never know when you will land wrong and injure yourself.
- Early departure is another serious hazard. This is very dangerous for forklift operators. Early departure is also hazardous to workers in the trucks because of loads shifting and falling when the truck moves. Communication with truck drivers prevents early departure. Use hand signals, lighting systems, signs, and so on, so that the driver is aware of what is happening at the dock.
Safe Operation of Forklifts On Loading Dock
Workers on foot are not the only ones that face hazards on the dock. Forklift drivers also face many hazards. One of the forklift driver’s main concerns involves driving into and out of trailers. Before even attempting to drive into a trailer, forklift drivers must check and inspect five key items.
- Trailer wheels must be chocked. Make sure that the trailer will not move or “creep” away from the dock when traveling into or out of the trailer.
- The trailer’s nose must be supported with a stand. Trailers, particularly the short 20 footers, have the capability of tipping forward when a forklift is loading heavy product into the nose of the trailer. This is especially dangerous to workers who may be inside the trailer.
- The trailer floor must be able to support the weight of loaded forklifts. Ensure that the heavy forklift will not break through any cracked or rotted wood flooring.
- The dock plate used to bridge the gap between the dock and the trailer must be secured, designed for the weight of the forklift, and not structurally damaged.
- Forklift operators must also be careful to stay away from edges while maneuvering around the dock.
Stable Pallet Loads
Pallets are an essential tool for stacking, storing, and transferring materials. It is important to use the correct type of pallet for the job.
- Stabilize the load by interlocking the stacked material, stretching plastic wrap around the items, or using straps to tie down the load. Ensure that the weight of the load is balanced on the pallet. For example, you wouldn’t want to stack bricks on one side and pillows on the other side.
- When moving the pallet and its load, keep the pallet low to the ground. Material raised high during transfer could fall and injure another employee and damage materials. At the same time, don’t keep the pallet so low that it drags across the floor, which could damage the pallet.
- Damaged pallets must be taken out of service until repaired. Be sure to inspect every pallet before loading it. Workers have been killed when a damaged pallet was loaded with material, stacked high in a rack, and then failed, causing the load to fall on someone.
- Finally, pallets are designed for material handling only. They are not to be used as part of scaffolding or to lift a person.
Do you follow these safety rules when using pallets? You should.
Safe Stacking
When stacking loads, such as on pallets, it is important that the stacks do not fall over. This could cause an injury or damage materials. Here are some basic tips to help make your stacks more stable.
- Put the heavy items on the bottom of the stack and place lighter objects on top. This seems obvious, but it is also often ignored. The lighter objects will be crushed by the weight of the heavier objects and the stack will begin to lean and eventually fall over if not corrected.
- The same principle applies to placing large loads on top of small loads. Unless the large pallet is perfectly balanced on top of the small pallet, the large pallet will cause the small pallet to lean one way and the stack will eventually fall.
- Keep the stacks even. Placing an item at a slight angle may cause the load to be off balance and start the stack leaning to the point where it could topple over. Make sure all items in a stack are lined up straight and centered on top of one another.
- When stacking on pallets, make sure product is stacked within the confines of the pallet and not sticking out. Objects sticking out of a stack into an aisle could be struck by a forklift, which could cause the stack to fall, or a person walking down an aisle could bump into an item.
Handling Drums Safely
Drum handling can be hazardous due to the shifting weight of the drum and liquids and the awkwardness of the drum’s shape.
- Do not attempt to handle drums with material-handling aids that are not designed for managing them. Using the wrong tool can result in injury and a spill of a hazardous chemical. Standard drum handling aids include specially designed hand trucks and dollies.
- Forklift attachments are available to lift drums as well as tilt and dump them. These attachments come in many varieties and can usually carry one, two, or even four drums at a time.
- Drums may be delivered or shipped on pallets. If this is the case, make sure the pallet is in good condition and that the drums are adequately strapped to the pallet before stacking or shipping the drums.
- Drums by themselves (not on forklifts) can be stacked if done correctly. Drums can be stacked like a pyramid such that they are almost interlocked. Be careful not to stack them too high—three tiers is probably the maximum height for safe stacking.
- Do not stack incompatible hazardous materials together. Some materials will react with each other, potentially causing a fire. Read the safety data sheets to find out what materials should not be stacked together.
Think about the special safety precautions you must take when handling drums.
Slips and Trips
Slip and trip hazards are common to a warehouse environment. Fortunately, the hazards can easily be eliminated with diligent warehouse and loading dock housekeeping.
- Plastic wrapping is common throughout the warehouse. Plastic, when left on the floor and stepped on, will usually slide easily against the concrete floor and could cause a slip and fall. Be sure to pick up plastic wrap and dispose of it properly whenever and wherever you see it.
- Broken straps and bands can accumulate and become trip hazards as they entangle feet. So, pick them up, too, and dispose of them properly.
- Electrical cords and air hoses are also trip hazards. Keep them off stairways and out of aisles, and don’t drape them in front of doorways.
- Not only are boxes and pallets trip hazards, particularly when placed in aisles, but they are especially hazardous when broken up. Be aware of wood with nails sticking up. Pieces of cardboard are slippery when on concrete and could cause a slip and fall.
- Spills can also be a hazard. Water or other liquids on the floor can cause workers to slip and fall. Clean up spills immediately.
Think about your role in good housekeeping to prevent slips and trips.
Falls from Elevation
- Ladders are commonly used in the warehouse to reach products on high shelves or racks. Inspect ladders before use to make sure they are in good condition. If you’re using a straight or extension ladder, be sure to place the base of the ladder the right distance from the wall, shelving, or rack to provide a safe climbing angle. The 4-to-1 rule instructs you to have the base of the ladder at least 1 foot away from the wall for every 4 feet of height.
- Stairs can also be a fall hazard. Portable stairs may be used in the warehouse to gain access to high items. Be careful on stairs, and always use the railings. Don’t put objects on the steps that someone could trip over. Always lock the wheels in place before climbing portable stairs.
- Climbing on shelves, racks, or stacks can be tempting if there are no ladders or portable steps nearby. But this is very dangerous. Never climb shelves, racks, or stacks to reach heights. Always use a ladder or portable stairs.
- In some cases, an approved manlift can also be used. This may involve using a special platform attached to a forklift. Be sure you have adequate fall protection when using a manlift.
Housekeeping is a vital part of the safety program at every warehouse facility. Housekeeping is more than just making the workplace look nice. Housekeeping’s primarily purpose is to remove workplace hazards.
Keeping the workplace organized and putting everything back where it belongs will help prevent trips and falls as well as maintain access to exits, fire-fighting equipment, first-aid supplies, and electrical panels. If these items cannot be reached during an emergency, it could have a devastating impact.
Cleaning and organizing will also prevent the accumulation of combustible materials, such as paper, cardboard, and rags.
And remember, don’t leave materials or equipment in aisles or in stairwells—even for a short time. It only takes a second for someone to trip, slip, or fall over that object.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is often only associated with manufacturing environments. But it’s also essential in the warehouse.
- Hard hats are required in some warehouse environments because of the potential of objects falling from racks, stacks, or other heights.
- Eye protection is used to prevent dust or debris from getting in the eyes.
- Earplugs or earmuffs should be used in noisy areas.
- Dust masks may be required in some dusty warehouse environments.
- Gloves are often used to keep your hands safe when manually handling boxes, straps, bands, pallets, and performing other tasks.
- Sturdy work shoes with slip-resistant soles are necessary to give you a sturdy foothold when handling material and to protect your feet from injury.
- Cold weather gear may be required if you work in a refrigerated warehouse or during the winter on the loading dock.
Think about the PPE you need to wear for the job hazards you face.
Emergency Equipment
Finally, you must know where emergency equipment is located and the importance of maintaining access to that equipment. If blocked, it could severely hamper the quick response to an emergency.
- Never stack material closer than 18 inches from a sprinkler head. Stacking material too high will prevent the sprinkler from spraying in its pattern, which is designed to suppress a fire. Blocked sprinkler heads will only increase the damage caused by a fire.
- Know where fire extinguishers are located. Fire extinguishers must not be used as coat hangers, hose reels, and so forth. These need to be kept clear for easy access.
- Evacuation routes must be kept clear in case a fire or other emergency requires everyone to evacuate the warehouse. Obviously, blocking an exit with pallets, a forklift, or some other item could result in injuries or death to employees who found their escape route blocked.
- Electrical panels may need to be accessed in an emergency. In fact, the fire department requires clearance around all electrical panels.
- First-aid supplies must be easily accessible during a medical emergency.
- Alarms and phones must be accessible so that employees can report emergency situations.
Now it’s time for an exercise. Decide the right word or words needed to correctly complete the sentences on the screen. [PAUSE]
- Communication with truck drivers at the loading dock prevents the hazard of early departures.
- Never stack materials closer than 18 inches from sprinkler heads.
- When stacking materials, larger, heavier items should go on the bottom.
- You can stabilize pallet loads by interlocking, wrapping, or strapping the load.
- Be careful when opening trailer doors on the loading dock because the load might have shifted in transit and materials could fall on you.
How did you do? Did you get all the answers right? Would you have done better on this quiz if you had gone back and reviewed first?
Let’s take a few minutes now to review the information presented in the previous slides. Do you understand what we said about:
- Loading dock safety?
- Stable pallet loads?
- Safe stacking?
- Handling drums safely?
- Slips, trips, and falls?
- Housekeeping?
- PPE?
- Emergency equipment?
It’s important to understand all this information so that you can prevent accidents and injuries in the warehouse.
Let’s continue now to the next slide and some key points to remember about this training session.
Key Points To Remember
Here are the main points to remember from this session on warehouse safety:
- Warehouses contain many hazards you need to be aware of.
- Always practice safe lifting to prevent back injuries.
- Use material-handling equipment safely, and watch out for forklifts.
- Stack and store materials properly to prevent accidents.
- Practice good housekeeping, and wear required PPE.
Do you understand all the key points of the training material?
This concludes the Warehouse Safety training session.